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  WEIGHT LOSS HELP WITH THE THRIVE PROGRAMME THERE IS NO SECRET TO LOSING WEIGHT! Most people know that if you eat sensibly and take exercise the pounds will drop off. So why do so many people struggle with it? Surely, its just a matter of burning off more calories than you consume? Well, clearly not, as the 15 million obese people in the UK will testify, as have all the hundreds of unhappy, desperate people who’ve gone through The Thrive Programme for weight loss over the years . WHY CAN LOSING WEIGHT FEEL SO DIFFICULT?! Well, the main reason is that if you are not in the right mindset, it is usually a losing battle. There are three main issues that are at play which mean that despite your best intentions to lose weight, it just doesn’t happen: Comfort or emotional eating  due to stress, boredom or unhappiness. Over eating is therefore the end result of these difficult emotions. Feeling out of control / powerless  about losing weight or keeping it off. Not believing you’...

Joint Health 101: The right way to keep your joints healthy

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